B. Tech in Data Science and Engineering: Indian Institute of Technology Mandi has become the first IIT to launch a full-fledged Bachelor’s Programme in Data Science and Engineering. It will train students in Computer Science, Applied Statistics, Applied Mathematics and Machine Learning, fields that are required in the context of Data Science and its applications. The programme is being jointly offered by the School of Basic Sciences (SBS) and the School of Computing and Electrical Engineering (SCEE) from the coming academic year (2019-2020).
Data Science is key to many technological developments in the future. With a vision to be a leader in Science and Technology education, knowledge creation and innovation, and keeping in mind the mounting importance of the Data Science paradigm, IIT Mandi is the first IIT to start a four-year programme in Data Science and Engineering. Between 15 and 20 per cent of IIT Mandi faculty works in Data Science and allied areas on sponsored research projects with industry demand driven objectives.
Speaking about the programme, Prof. Timothy A. Gonsalves, Director, IIT Mandi, said, “All-pervasive sensors are collecting exponentially-increasing amounts of data about our machines, our structures, and ourselves. Our BTech in Data Science and Engineering will train students to collect, process and study these large data sets, discerning underlying patterns and deriving actionable insights. Graduates of this programme will have future-proof expertise that will enable them to thrive in the rapidly changing world of the next few decades. This degree
will equip students with advanced skills to thrive in a rapidly changing world. The study of Data Science as a BTech discipline is becoming essential to cater to the growing need for professionals and researchers to deal with the future challenges of India.”
Speaking about the importance of the programme, Dr. Manoj Thakur, Course Coordinator and Associate Professor, School of Basic Sciences, IIT Mandi said, “The Data Science and Engineering programme is a rigorous course which emphasizes the integration of theory and
practice. Labs and practicums are integral part of the course to provide the students a allinclusive learning experience. The program would make the students well trained with ample knowledge of various aspects of data science and engineering required to provide technological solutions to face next generation challenges.”
This programme will help students fulfil the increasing demand of experts to capture, analyse and synthesize a large amount of data in a number of application domains to better understand various phenomena and to convert this information into actionable strategies such as new scientific discoveries, business applications, policy-making and healthcare.
IIT Mandi has a unique course curriculum based on project-based and inter-disciplinary learning, and in the past two years, the Institute has launched the following six new Master’s programmes:
1. M.Sc. in Physics
2. M.Tech. in Power Electronics and Drives (PED)
3. M.Tech. in Structural Engineering
4. M.Tech. in Very-Large-Scale Integration (VLSI)
5. M.Tech. in Communications and Signal Processing (CSP)
6. M.A. in Development Studies. Source : IIT Mandi