Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday inaugurated the permanent campus of the Indian Institute of Management-Sambalpur (IIM Sambalpur). The permanent campus is located in Basantpur, on 200-acre land. The foundation stone for the institute was also laid on 2nd January 2021. The campus was designed and supervised by DDF Consultants in association with NBCC India.
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The campus will be 100% day lit in regularly occupied living areas and fresh air ventilated interior spaces. Treated water from STP will be used for irrigation and flushing. Use of LED lighting and ECBC compiled energy efficient electric appliances like DG Sets, transformer, lifts, pumps, motors, etc. will help in considerably reduced electricity consumption.
The most striking feature of the campus is the incorporation of regional art that creates a symbiotic relationship with the architecture. Odisha’s traditional IKAT—a patterned textile-dyeing technique—is mapped onto the brick facade with remarkable elegance, in colors similar to the soils of the state.
The campus boasts several key structures, including the Koutilya – Administration Building, Thakshasila 1 and 2 – Academic Blocks, Konark – Auditorium Block, I2 Hub: Incubation, Innovation and Library, Faculty Block, and MDP Block, which includes a Guest House.
The campus has multiple lecture halls, video conferencing facilities, and eleven hostels with accommodation for 600 students. It comprises dedicated blocks for faculty and staff residences, a dining hall, sewage, and water treatment plants, a lecture hall equipped with traditional chalkboards, digital boards, blended boards, a computer centre, and an extensive library open 24X7.
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