IIT B: IIT Bombay (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay) has once again emerged as the first preference of the cream of IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) aspirants, with 89 of the top 100 on the JEE-Advanced merit list opting for it and 67 of them bagging the seats. Six candidates opted for IIT-Delhi and 23 got the seats; four chose IIT Madras(Indian Institute of Technology, Madras or IITM) and nine were taken in.
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All top 10 all-India rankers, like last year, wanted admission to IIT-Bombay and got the seats there. Last year, 93 of the top 100 candidates had chosen IIT-Bombay as their first preference and 69 made the cut.
The Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) on Friday released the first six allotment list, setting off the joint counselling process for IITs, NITs and IIITs. Professor Bishnupada Mandal of IIT-Guwahati, who is the organising chairperson of JEE Advanced 2023 and responsible for the IIT part of the joint counselling, told The Indian Express, “IIT-Bombay predominantly remains the most preferred choice (among those who have qualified for JEE Advanced), but IIT-Kharagpur has received the maximum number of applications.”
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According to data released by JoSAA, a total of 2,15,917 candidates are registered for the joint counselling process — 1,63,744 boys, 52,170 girls, and three transgender candidates — meant for admission to all IITs, NITs, and IIITs. A little over 30,000 candidates registered for joint counselling have applied for admission to IIT-Kharagpur.
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Though the IITs, NITs and IIITs have started several new-age technology programmes, the traditional engineering branches continue to remain top choices.
Overall, computer science engineering (B Tech) remains the most popular branch with 50,38,460 choices, followed by electronics and communication engineering (B Tech ECE) with 35,39,687 applications across all IITs, NITs and IIITs.
The number of applications is far more than the number of total candidates registered for joint counselling since students are permitted to apply to several institutes and programmes in their order of preference. Each programme preference, irrespective of where it is placed on a candidate’s list and against which institute it has been chosen, is counted as one unique choice for that specific programme.
Professor Mandal said, “Candidates tend to analyse thoroughly before choosing courses. There is a general tendency to prefer established courses and IITs. As new courses have just begun, students might want to see their track record.”

Friday was the first seat allotment under JoSAA, which is expected to hold a total of six rounds of counselling. A total of 1,80,372 candidates appeared for the JEE-Advanced this year, of which 43,773 candidates cleared the entrance test and are now eligible for admission to various undergraduate programmes in 23 IITs. There are 7,509 girls among the qualified candidates. Those who have qualified for JEE Advanced are now participating in the joint counselling process along with those who qualified for JEE Main for admission to IIITs and NITs. Source: The Indian Express