NEET PG 2022 Exam has been conducted on May 21, 2022 in computer-based mode. Over 2 lakh candidates appeared for the exam which was held at various centres all across the country. The NEET PG 2022 question paper contained 200 multiple choice questions and candidates had 3.5 hours to answer these. The exam was moderately difficult. Most of the questions were from medicine, gynaecology, radiology, and pathology.
NEET PG 2022: Students Say Exam Was ‘Easy’
NEET PG 2022 result is expected to be released on June 20. Candidates have to score the minimum cut-off percentile to qualify for the exam. The NEET Cut-off will be released along with the result. Based on this cut-off, a merit list will be prepared.
NEET PG 2022 Category Wise SC, ST, OBC, Open Cutoff (Expected)
Unreserved (UR) | 50th percentile |
SC/ST/OBC | 40th percentile |
Unreserved – PH (UR-PH) | 45th percentile |
SC/ST/OBC – PH | 40th percentile |
Factors that Determine NEET PG 2022 Cut-off
Let’s take a look at the factors that determine the NEET PG cut-off:
- Total number of seats available
- Total number of candidates appearing for the NEET PG Exam
- The difficulty level of the exam
- Total number of candidates qualifying for NEET PG 2022.
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NEET PG 2022 Cut off Tie-breaker
In case two or more candidates secure equal marks in NEET PG 2022 merit list, the authorities will use the tie-breaking procedure.
- Applicants with less number of incorrect answers in Part A, B and C will be put in a better position in the rank list.
- Applicants with higher marks in Part C would be considered to be in a better category.
- The candidates who score a lower number of incorrect answers in Part C will be given a higher rating.
- Applicants who receive higher marks in Part B of the exam will be considered first.
- Medical graduates with a lower score in Part B responses will be granted a higher rank.
- Higher marks in Part A of a candidate will be eligible to be ranked at a higher position.
- A lesser number of negative responses in Part A by an aspirant will lead him/her to a better merit position.
- Lastly, the age of the candidate will be considered and the elder one will be awarded a higher rank.
NEET PG 2022: List of important topics, last-minute tips to score well
NEET PG Top Medical Colleges
Medical colleges | National Rank |
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) | 1 |
Government Medical College | 2 |
Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC) | 3 |
Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) | 4 |
Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC) | 5 |
Lady Hardinge Medical College (LHMC) | 6 |
Madras Medical College (MMC) | 7 |
Grant Medical College (GMC) | 8 |
King George’s Medical University (KGMU) | 9 |
Seth GS Medical College (GSMC) | 10 |
Government Medical College (GMC) | 11 |
Institute of Medical Sciences (IMS – Banaras Hindu University) | 12 |
Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College (LTMMC) | 13 |
Byramhee Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College (BJMC) | 14 |
Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research (IPGMER) | 15 |
Government Medical College (GMC) | 16 |
Stanley Medical College | 17 |
SMS Medical College (SMSMC) | 18 |
Government Medical College | 19 |
Government Medical College | 20 |
Admission to NEET PG 2022 will be provided after the centralized counselling is conducted for all states/UT. Every State & Institution will display a separate merit list for admission in 50% state quota seats. The admission process will be followed by the counselling session. Candidates need to register for the counselling session on the official website. Source: Aakash