Prime Minister Narendra Modi, inaugurated the newly constructed Academic Complex East and Academic Complex West at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi’s Hauz Khas campus through video conferencing on Tuesday.
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The two academic complexes also have 200 faculty offices, ten committee rooms, thirteen conference rooms, and other facilities like faculty lounges and departmental library. This is the largest ever single-time construction activity for research and academic purposes in the history of IIT Delhi. The two multi-storey complexes are developed at a cost of Rs 260 crores, with a plinth area of over 60,000 square meters and have come up as an addition to the existing academic area on the campus.
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Meenakshi Lekhi, Minister of State for External Affairs and Culture, Government of India, was present at the event organised at the Institute on this occasion. The event also witnessed the presence of scientists from various organisations, BoG members, Building and Works Committee (BWC) members, faculty, staff and students of IIT Delhi.
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The East and West Complex will host more than 20 academic units of the Institute including School of AI, School of Public Policy, Department of Design, Department of Textile and Fibre, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Material Science and Engineering, Department of Mathematics, Department of Energy Science and Engineering, School of Biological Sciences, Centre for Biomedical Engineering, Department of Biotechnology, Centre for Automative Research and Tribology, Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Physics, Department of Chemistry, Centre of Excellence on Cyber Security, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Central Workshop, School of Inter-disciplinary Research, and Central Research Facilities.
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Additionally, the two academic complexes also have 200 faculty offices, ten committee rooms, thirteen conference rooms, and other facilities like faculty lounges and departmental library.