SPJIMR Connect Series successfully hosted its inaugural TPO Summit at Hyderabad, bringing together top talent acquisition and management professionals for a day of networking and learning. The event’s panel discussion and participation from TPOs across Hyderabad institutes made it a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals, share best practices and ideas, and discuss the latest trends and challenges in the field.
During the summit, industry experts and academic leaders participated in a panel discussion on talent acquisition and management. The panellists shared their views on a range of topics, including recruiting in a post-pandemic world, building a diverse and inclusive workforce, and leveraging technology to improve HR processes.
Mr Bhishm Chugani, Director- Career Services at SPJIMR emphasized the importance of adaptability in today’s workforce, stating that: “The ‘New’ Normal has become the ‘Now’ Normal. Communication Skills, Customer Focus, Lifelong Learning and an attitude of Gratitude are the key ingredients to go beyond securing a job offer and have a successful career.”
The theme, ‘Changing trends in campus recruitment’ was relevant given the macroeconomics milieu. Said Ms Selina David, Director, Global Digital and Project Management, APAC L&D Leader, Hitachi Vantara: Students should have customer centricity and need to understand ‘real time’ problems and find solutions for them.
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“We are thrilled to have hosted this TPO Summit as part of our SPJIMR Connect Series,” said Mr Ramessh Misshra, Assistant Director-Marketing at SPJIMR. “The event was a huge success and we believe that it provided an excellent platform for TPOs from across Hyderabad institutes to connect and share their experiences and insights.”
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SPJIMR Connect Series is committed to organizing more such events that bring together industry experts, thought leaders, and students to share knowledge, insights, and experiences.
About SPJIMR Connect Series: SPJIMR Connect Series is a platform for industry experts, thought leaders, and academia to come together and share knowledge, insights, and experiences. Through a variety of events and initiatives, SPJIMR Connect Series aims to foster meaningful connections and promote the exchange of ideas that will drive innovation and progress in various fields. Submitted by Divya.