CUET UG 2022: With over 9.13 lakh registrations in its debut year, the Common University Entrance Test-Undergraduate (CUET-UG) 2022 is now the second biggest entrance exam in India after NEET-UG which is held for admission to medical courses. A total of 87 universities and their affiliated colleges are on board for CUET’s first edition for the 2022-23 academic session.
CUET 2022: Registration Open, Apply Now
Women candidates comprise over 44% of the total aspirants, while category-wise nearly 47% of the candidates are from the unreserved category. The registration process for the test ended on Sunday evening.
NEET-UG with nearly 16 lakh average registrations and JEE (Main) with over 8.6 lakh used to be the biggest higher education entrance exams in India. JEE (Main) comprises two papers (1 for BE/ BTech and 2 for BArch/ B Planning) and the cumulative (including candidates appearing in both the papers) registration for the exam averages around 9.2 lakh. With 9,13,540 unique registrations, CUET has surpassed JEE (Main). Source: The Times of India