Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan launched the ‘SWAYAM Plus‘ platform that will offer courses developed collaboratively with the Industry on February 27. The India Institute of Technology Madras will be operating the ‘SWAYAM Plus Platform. The platform will provide employability and professional development, focused programmes that have been developed by leading industry players such as L&T, Microsoft, CISCO, etc. to bring to its learners.
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The establishment of SWAYAM Plus would enhance the employability of both college students and lifelong learners. The Industry-academia partnership would combine the academic rigour of SWAYAM’s educational platform with the real-world expertise and relevance offered by industry partners.
With a key focus on offering #employability & professional development programs with leading industry players, Shri @dpradhanbjp ji, Hon’ble Minister, @EduMinOfIndia, launched ‘SWAYAM Plus’ platform to be operated by @iitmadras, in presence of Prof. V. Kamakoti, Director, #IITM. pic.twitter.com/6SklPhioWq
— IIT Madras (@iitmadras) February 27, 2024
In alignment with NEP 2020, the SWAYAM Plus platform will now include courses supporting industry needs that enhance the learners’ employability. It will offer programs in sectors like Manufacturing, Energy, Computer Science and Engineering/IT/ITES, Management Studies, Healthcare, Hospitality, and Tourism besides Indian Knowledge Systems, amongst many others.
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- Multilingual content: The platform will be multilingual, encouraging a diverse audience to choose SWAYAM Plus as a platform of choice.
- AI-Enabled chatbot: An AI-enabled chatbot will assist students to choose the right courses based on their needs.
- Credit Recognition: Credit equivalency shall be established for courses offered by industry players. It also enables students of HEIs to earn credits simultaneously for their degree requirement, thereby providing academic flexibility.
Speaking during the launch event, Professor Kamakoti, Director of IIT Madras, said, “There is an exponentially growing demand for trained manpower in core areas spanning across not restricted to health care, logistics, technology, energy, infrastructure, and manufacturing. With rapid changes in these areas, there is a need to augment certain recent topics for fresh students and upskilling for the already employed. Swayam Plus will be a single window solution serving the above National cause.”