By Vivek Shanker
Timeline : 2023 – 2024
Name : Vivek Shanker
Profile : Male, General Category
Candidate’s Edu Score Stat : Class 10: 95% (CBSE) / 10 CGPA
Class 12: 87. 4 % (CBSE)
Grad: B Tech CSE (Computer Science and Engineering), specialization in Cyber Security from SRM Institute of Science and Technology (KTR) Chennai (KTR) ,CGPA : 9.54 / 95.4%.
CAT’23: 82.59 %ile ; XAT’24 : 82.43 % ile ; NMAT Score : 233 (QA – 68 , LR- 76, LS – 89) -> 98 %ile
Work Experience : 11 Months Work Ex. in developing/expanding business in the North America, Europe, Middle East and Africa markets.
PI – GD Interview Experiences
Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai/Gurgaon [PGDM]
Venue : WAT & PI – Online
PI Timeline : Second last week of Dec’’23, Morning Slot (Assigned by the college)
Result Timeline : Second week of Jan’24
Interview Panellists : Two panel members were present, one faculty and one alum, both males. Approach was very friendly. The Alumni member was around mid 40’s, seasoned professional, who asked questions around MBA, my profile and GK.
Faculty member was quite young comparatively and asked general/abstract scenario based questions
WAT Topic : Choose one out of two and write within 250 words
- Does social media have a positive or negative impact on the interpersonal skills of young people ?
- Four day work week is being tested across the world. Will that become the norm in the future?
Interview questions :
- How does an MBA contribute towards your career goals ?
- Why did you quit your company?
- Did your company have provision to take sabbatical to do an MBA and join them thereafter ?
- If you are not able to get into your dream colleges, what is your next plan of action ? Will you focus on an MBA or will you get a job?
- What chance do you think you have to get into great lakes or other colleges of your wish with your CAT percentile ?
- Do you know Hindi? We spoke in Hindi for the next 3 mins.
- How did your technical knowledge help you in your marketing job?
- Can you relate computer science with an MBA in analytics?
- Did you have to apply analytics for your job in any way ?
- Name of the Cyclone which hit Chennai recently
- Neighbouring states of Tamil Nadu?
- Name of the Chief Minister of TN
- Name of the honourable president of India
- Recent elections (Chattisgarh, MP, Telangana, Rajasthan)
Result : Offer received from Great Lakes, Gurgaon Campus, Waitlist in Great lakes, Chennai Campus.
FYI : If offered for GLIM Gurgaon, you will by default be in the waitlist of Chennai campus.
VIT B School, SBM NMIMS & IFMR GSB top B Schools for NMAT as per ROI
Overall Interview Summary : The WAT/orientation happened on one day and PI on another day through zoom and both were assigned by the college and informed a week in advance. The process was very friendly and they quite explicitly said that they are looking for reasons to select students and not disqualify them which set the tone of the entire process. The online WAT process was smooth and all instructions for the same were clearly conveyed.
As far as PI is considered, we had to join at the prescribed time in the zoom link and then wait for our chances. Multiple panels would be present inside in multiple break rooms. The moderator would inform you on when & which break room to join. I was the 1st one in their list and I was asked to join a specific break room where two male interviewers were present. One was an alumni of GLIM and he was a middle aged man, while the other was a staff/faculty of GLIM and was much younger.
The former started the interview by asking questions on the purpose of MBA and why MBA by quitting my job not by taking a sabbatical. The more I answered that it was in my interest and a goal to do an MBA he questioned more by asking what I would do if I don’t get the colleges I wish to check how focused I am toward doing an MBA. With each passing question on MBA, I had to add more details to convince my primary goal is to do an MBA now and anything I do otherwise would only complement this goal.
Then the line of questions shifted to my job and specifically my responsibilities and challenges. The alumni looked quite experienced in corporate practices and had good professional experience and hence his line of questions were very specific to the work experience and had a poker face of sorts with very little feedback.
He asked if I knew Hindi and we spoke in Hindi for a while. The second interviewer then took over and asked how technical background, work experience etc. would help me in doing an MBA. He also asked what I thought were my chances to get into GLIM with 82.4%ile for which I answered that though I understand that it’s not a high score, I believe schools like GLIM would look beyond the score, into the kind of person I am, my abilities and how I can contribute within and beyond the classroom and so I think I have fair chance of being a part of GLIM. This answer seemed to quite impress him and then the first interviewer asked a few GK questions. As I reside in Chennai the GK questions were around the recent news in the South India region.
Once after the GK, the interview was concluded and asked if I had any questions and I asked if there was a provision to do multiple specialisation or a minor and major and they said we could take up a minor if we wanted.
IFMR- GSB [Krea University], Sri City [MBA]
Venue: ONLY Personal Interview [Online]
PI Timeline : Second week of Feb’24, Morning Slot (To choose from available dates/slots)
Result Timeline : Third week of Feb’24
Interview Panellists : 2 panel members, one experienced faculty (around late 50’s or early 60’s) and one young admin member (possibly), both male. The experienced faculty drove the interview, asked questions around MBA and work experience, the other panel member asked scenario based general questions.
Interview Questions :
- How do you think MBA would add value to your life, personally and professionally?
- How has your academic and work experience so far contributed to your learning and hence the interest in MBA?
- Why did you quit your company?
- Did your company have provision to take sabbatical to do an MBA and join them thereafter?
- Other specific work exp related questions
- What is the difference between Ernakulam and Chennai (Context – I was born in Ernakulam and now I reside in Chennai)
- What do you think are the two causes of Chennai floods 2023 ( Michaung cyclone) and how would you as a govt representative with decision making power act to mitigate the risks?
Overall Interview Summary : The PI process was online and we were given three days and two slots each per day to choose from. Upon selecting a day and slot, I was shared with the Zoom link and other instructions a few days prior to the D-day. I had chosen a morning slot and I was instructed to join at 8AM in the Zoom link. Upon joining the link they showed a quick 5 min orientation video about IFMR and we were informed of our exact time of PI, 5 min before which we had to rejoin the meet again. I was informed that my interview would be from 10:45 AM to 11:00 AM. I joined around 10:30 AM but my interview started around 11:00 AM. I greeted them as soon as I joined the meeting. There were two male interviewers, both faculty members, probably. One in his late 50’s and another quite young, around late 30’s. The former started the interview by probing into my academic history and asking for a reason to do an MBA as well as how an MBA degree would add value to my career as a professional. It then progressed based on my answers, I had mentioned I wanted to be “jack of all trades but master of one” and he asked why I wanted to be so. After which he asked around my work experience and how I managed the challenges that came around. He was quite expressive to my responses and I knew when my answers were satisfactory and when it was not.
He then passed the baton to the second interviewer who first asked where I was originally from and where I reside now and the difference between the two cities. I replied to it based on the demography difference and structural similarity of both cities. He then went on to ask about two causes of Chennai floods 2023 (Michaung cyclone) and how would I as a Govt. representative with decision making power act to mitigate the risks. I answered it to the best of my knowledge and he was impressed with my answers. He said that he had a few follow up questions in his in but my answer was quite broad and covered almost all aspects of the issue. And that was the end of the interview.
Result : Offered for MBA program at IFMR – GSB, Sri City campus.
T.A.Pai Management Institute, Manipal (TAPMI) [MBA]
Venue : GD/PI/Extempore [Online]
PI Timeline : PI for 20-25 mins, stone faced panel members with very less to no response to answers, old school type interview, grilling based on your answers
Result Timeline : 10th April ‘24 (tentative)
Interview Panellists : 3 member panel, all faculties, One middle aged male leading the interview, two female member, one observing the process and one asked questions in PI
GD Group Size : Group of 5 to 9 member excluding interviewers for GD. GD notes prep for 2 mins and discussion for 20 mins
GDPI Timeline : 3rd week of Feb’24
Group Discussion Topic : The best management lessons can be learnt outside the classroom.
Interview Questions :
- Explain my role in my previous company ?
- Why leave a good paying job to pursue an MBA ? Why not take a sabbatical ?
- What did you do after you quit your job ?
- Risks that you took in your professional life.
- Was there a situation where you were asked for help but could not help ?
- Was there a situation where your ideas were not understood or appreciated by the team?
- Achievements in your professional life.
- How did you prepare yourself for this degree/course ?
Extempore Topic : Pros and Cons of Working from home Extempore prep for 1 mins and presentation for 2 mins
FYI : Interview cycle for academic year ‘24 from 16th Feb’24 to 25th March ‘24.
Overall Interview Summary : The whole GD/PI process was online the date and other details would be emailed two days prior to the PI date. It will be a single process of GD/PI/Extempore. I was allotted a morning slot for which I had to join the meeting link at 8:30AM. The meeting started at around 8:45 AM. There were three interviewers, all faculty members. One a middle aged man and two female faculty members (both of them were in college/classroom together and also had the same background and were talking internally) were in the panel and the male faculty led the GD and interview process. We were briefed on the complete process and were told that a topic for GD would be given at 9:00 AM and we will have 2 mins to jot down points and will have to start at 9:02 AM. We were given the topic ‘The best management lessons can be learnt outside the classroom’ and right after 2 mins the interviewer asked us to start the discussion. I started the discussion with some introductory statements and then opened the forum to listen to others’ perspectives and once the time was almost up I concluded the discussion by checking with others if they had any further points to contribute. After the GD we were allotted specific 20 min time intervals in which our PI and extempore would be taken. I had my slot at 9:50 AM, for which I joined at 9:40 AM and the interview started at 9:55 AM and went on till 10:15 AM. As soon as I joined the meet I greeted the panel and expressed my gratitude for giving me this opportunity. Then the male interviewer started the interview by asking about my work experience and why I quit my job to do an MBA. His line of questions were to understand my experience and my reasons to do an MBA. He had a classic poker face or a stone face, so I had no idea if my answers were satisfactory or not. He then asked me to talk about risks that I took in my professional life in particular and probed into my answers to see how genuine my answer was.
The female faculty took over from here and asked scenario based questions like was there a situation where I was asked for help but could not help and was there a situation where my ideas were not understood or appreciated by the team. She was quite friendly and was nodding to someone within their classroom (assuming it was the 3rd interview panellist) while listening to my answers. After these scenario based questions, the male interviewer gave me the topic ‘Pros and Cons of Working from home” and I was given 1 min to write down points after which I was asked to speak on i t for 2 mins. After the end of two mins I was requested to end my extempore and was asked if I had any questions for them and not ask them for feedback instead. The interview concluded there and I left the meeting.
Result : Awaiting Final Shortlist : April 10th 2024 [Tentative Date].
IFMR GSB, Krea University MBA Placement 2023 Summer Placements 2024
Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS) [MBA]
Venue : Written Assessment Test/Watson Glaser Test/PI at Mumbai Campus Shortlisted for MBA Digital Transformation (Mumbai) & MBA (Bangalore, Navi Mumbai, Hyderabad & Indore) – One WAT-PI Process for all.
PI Timeline : 3rd week of Feb’24, Morning slot. [We can choose a date and slot from available days)
WAT -20mins, Watson Glaser -30mins, PI – 15 to 20 mins
Shortlisted for MBA Digital Transformation (Mumbai) & MBA (Bangalore, Navi Mumbai, Hyderabad & Indore) – One WAT-PI Process for all.
PI day -> Orientation-> WAT-> Watson test-> Break-> PI
Interview Panellists : Two panel members, one male and one female, both middle aged, Friendly questioning but probing questions based on your job experience and SOP
Written Assessment Test : Answer a question based on a case study. Opinion based.
Watson Glaser Test :Inference, Conclusion and Decision making questions.
40 questions to be answered in 30 mins.
Interview Questions :
- What was your role in your previous company and what was your last drawn pay check ?
- Why did you choose to leave your company to pursue an MBA ? Couldn’t you have taken a sabbatical?
- What responsibilities did you handle in your job?
- Other probing questions specific to my company and job profile?
- Was there a client who was tough to convince and if so, how did you handle him?
- How will you keep yourself updated in the future ?
- If you get a lesser paying job after MBA, will you accept it ?
Overall Interview Summary The WAT/WATSON Test/PI process was held at NMIMS Mumbai campus situated in Vile Parle. I was asked to report at 8:00 AM at their campus for the morning slot which I chose.
The orientation started at around 8:15 AM and went on till 8:40AM, where the whole process was explained thoroughly and each of us were divided into a specific group and guides were assigned to each group. After the orientation we were escorted to the allotted computer lab to give the WAT and WATSON test. The written assessment test (WAT) entails a case study and a question for which we have to provide an answer as well as the rationale behind it. The WAT was for 20 mins, followed by which we had WATSON test which would go on for 30 mins. WATSON test is a test based on Inference, Conclusion and Decision Making questions and consists of 40 questions to be answered in 30 mins. The link for both WAT and WATSON test would be sent to your gmail ID which you’ll have to log into in the computer assigned to you. After the completion of both tests we were again escorted by our team guide to respective waiting rooms and were provided with refreshments as well. After a short break students were called one by one into the interviewing room. I was second in the list and my interview took place around 11:20 AM. Upon entering the room there were 2 interviewers, one male faculty member and one female faculty member. The male faculty member started the questioning by enquiring about my last job, my employment status and the last pay check that I drew. After which he went on to ask why I left a good paying job for an MBA and why I couldn’t have taken a sabbatical instead. He then probed into my job responsibilities and asked instances where I found it difficult to handle a client. He quite grilled me on the specifics of the strategy that I used in marketing (job) for convincing a client. The female interviewer continued by asking what I would do if I end up with a lesser paying job after MBA & whether or not I would accept it.
I replied by saying that the salary package was never the deal breaker for me, as long as the job allows me to grow, gives me good exposure and is rewarding in other ways, I would certainly consider it. She then asked what I would do after an MBA to stay relevant and keep myself updated, for which I answered I would use academic platforms and other sources to learn about new technologies which I can put into use in daily life or can aid me indirectly in my professional life. Then the interview concluded and I thanked them for the opportunity.
Result Timeline : Awaiting Final Shortlist : 10th March ‘24 [Tentative Date]