XLRI Jamshedpur commenced the new academic session 2023-24 at Tata Auditorium, XLRI Jamshedpur campus on June 12. The event was attended by all the new students, their parents, XL faculties & staff members.
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Fr. S George S.J, Director, XLRI, Fr. Donald D’Silva S.J, Dean Administration & Finance, XLRI and Prof. Sanjay Patro, Dean Academics, XLRI, along with other dignitaries on the dais inaugurated the function by lighting the lamp. To earnestly seek the divine blessings of God Almighty verses from the holy books were recited by XL staff members which motivated our students to lead an honest & pure life.
One pattern we observe is the stunning percentage of engineers who get into XLRI.
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As the new academic session kicks off at XLRI – Xavier School of Management, students from Engineering stream take lion share in B-School admission.
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In the business management programme alone 72% of the students are from the technical background. In General Management programme too, 72.17% students are from engineering background while in Human Resource Management 45% are from engineering.
“The surge in engineering students opting for management education can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, the evolving demands of the job market have necessitated a combination of technical and managerial skills. Engineering graduates, equipped with a strong analytical and problem-solving foundation, seek to enhance their business acumen and leadership abilities through management education,” said an XLRI official.
Prof. Sanjay Patro (Dean Academics, XLRI) addressed the students saying, “Dear Students, A hearty welcome to each one of you to XLRI. It’s indeed a moment of great joy and happiness for all of us to be here. XLRI is a great institution known for its principle of MAGIS – Spirit of generous excellence to encompass one’s chosen vocation. Let’s all express our solidarity before God for the journey that begins today .. for greater growth and fulfillment.”
Fr. Donald D’Silva SJ (Dean A&F, XLRI) recited the prayer after which all the students of the new academic year 2023-24 were introduced to the 70+ Professors of both the Jamshedpur & Delhi XLRI campus.
Fr. S George S.J., Director, XLRI addressed the gathering and said, “I welcome you all on this transformative journey at XLRI. You all are the lucky ones, the Platinum Batch of XLRI Jamshedpur. This year, XLRI will be celebrating its 75 years of excellence, Platinum Jubilee (October 11, 2023 – October 10, 2024). XLRI is a passion and you have made the right choice for yourself by being a part of this journey. Let’s try our best to bring oneness among ourselves. Be realistic, learn to embrace both happiness and problems in your journey of learning. Let’s accept that we as human beings make mistakes and we need to learn to embrace courage and faith and move on in life.”
Apart from this, 16 students enrolled in the Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) and 18 students enrolled in the Executive Fellow Programme in Management (EXEC-FPM).
“XLRI, as an institution, has always taken special care to maintain diversity in the classroom by selecting a very diversified group of students in terms of gender, educational background, economic background, professional background, and region. While intaking students at XLRI, major focus is given to diversity. It is important because, in the classroom, students from different academic backgrounds bring different perspectives and angles”, said an official from XLRI.
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The academic inaugural event was then followed by an ice-breaking event where all the students had participated and several games/activities were conducted. This two-hour event was a complete refreshment and made all the students interact comfortably with each other. As per media report.
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